Author: chanckowiak

  • He Exists in a World Where I Can’t See Him

    While talking to my wife about things happening in the world, she said, “He exists in a world where I can’t see him.” I thought it would make a great topic for today’s newsletter. This is a very impactful statement when you think about it. In our rapidly evolving society, it’s easy to become engrossed…

  • Transform Your Team: The Power of Feedback

    As a manager, one of your critical responsibilities is to provide regular feedback to your employees. This feedback serves a dual purpose: it acknowledges what is working well and identifies areas where improvement is needed. Unfortunately, many managers fall into the trap of reserving feedback for the annual review. This approach is not only ineffective…

  • Debunking Myths: What Digital Transformation Is Not

    Digital transformation is often misunderstood. Many see it as simply adopting new technologies, but in reality, it’s much more comprehensive and nuanced. Let’s explore what digital transformation is not, to clear up some common misconceptions. First, digital transformation is not just about technology. While new tools and systems are certainly part of the process, the…

  • Driving Change: The Essential Pillars and Human Side of Digital Transformation

    Digital transformation is a multifaceted journey that redefines how businesses operate and engage with customers. Central to this process are four key pillars: IT uplift, digitizing operations, digital marketing, and new ventures. Each pillar plays a critical role in driving meaningful change within an organization. Enjoying this brief read? This newsletter is published weekly. Subscribe…

  • Leader vs. Manager: Inspiring Through Influence or Enforcing Through Power?

    In the corporate world, “leader” and “manager” often get tossed around like they’re the same thing, but they’re really as different as cats and dogs. Understanding the difference is crucial for creating a workplace where people actually want to come to work and perform their best. Authority exercised by the manager is the power or…

  • Charting Success: Crafting Your Strategic Compass

    In today’s fast-paced world of technology and business, a clear vision and a well-defined IT strategy are non-negotiable for success. It’s not merely about knowing what you want to achieve; it’s about understanding how to get there and ensuring that every member of your team is aligned with this direction. A clear vision acts as…

  • The Human-Centric Approach to Leadership

    I’ve been wondering for a while what should be the first topic for our newsletter. At first, I considered discussing the state of IT and how, despite years of improving its relationship with the business, the gap seems to be widening again. I also thought about exploring the various types of CIOs, starting with the…

  • Welcome to CLEARMIND IT Insights

    Where Clarity Meets Innovation Dear Readers and soon to be Subscribers, I am thrilled to introduce ClearMind IT Insights, your exclusive gateway to the dynamic world of technology, strategy, and growth. As the sun rises on this new endeavor, I invite you to embark on a journey that promises inspiration, knowledge, and transformation. Why ClearMind…